professional development

I started exploring the world around me by way of drawing when I was a young boy.

The rendering of the human face interested me in particular.


At 14 years of age,I discovered the manifold possibilities available when painting with oil..


The constant interest in the depiction of man led me to participate in numerous figure drawing courses,among others with Jan Boomers, Günther Jäntsch and Brigitte Dümling. 


As a member of the "Independent Art Workshop Solingen inc.",I joined,from 1990 until 1992,their group exhibitions,inter alia in the rooms of the Community Studio in  Flensburger Street,


as well as in the Centre of Communication "COBRA"


and in the Café Meyers.


My pictures,during that time,were formed by the paintings of the "neuen Wilden" and influenced,in terms of colour and their serial character,by Andy Warhol.

In July 1994,in the series "Art Students of the Academy show works on paper",I presented baroque-flowing drawings.


In 1993 in the Cafe "Em Salönke" and in 1996 in the Gallery "Art Eck",my individual exhibitions showed a change in my paintings to a broken colouredness: life-size figures appear from a dark background.


Alongside baroque artists,my example was Franzisco de Goya.During my further development,the turbulent-agitated brush strkes gradually disappeared:

my  figures receive more and more cartoon-grotesque traits.


At the joint exhibition,in 1998 in the Gallery Aman,I displayed,with my 6 standing figures,the change over to Gothic and manneristic forming;here,the colour design is once again influenced by Pop Art as well as by my teacher Prof. Karin Rissa.


The "6 People Standing"


emerged during the time when my father was dieing.The more he went downhill physically the larger these guardian angels became: larger-than-life size,in part painfully and grotesquely elongated and stretched figures displaying (seemingly) graceful and humble gestures step forward toward the beholder.

At a large individual exhibition in the Ballhaus in 1998,I displayed,among others,the picture series "Triump and Loss"

(see also "Selection of Works" on this homepage).

The stretched and elongated female figures,"Female lieing",were on display at the exhibition in the Dom Business Hotel in 2000.


At the Hotel Rolandsburg,I presented 18 pictures from my "Jungle"-Cycle;several various different motifs from the group of exotic plants and fruits are stylised here and appear in (too) vigorous colour combinations.

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